The electric cars for kids are the one of the best interesting gifts available for kids. Among the million numbers of toys, these are the hottest toy a kid could possess.
These electric cars look like the mini version of the real life cars.
With the increasing popularity of the electric cars, these electric cars are look-alikes of the adult version cars made with the extraordinary craftsmanship.
These electric cars let the kids to drive around the pavement or around the yard giving the same experience of the real life car.
This not only gives the kids the feel of riding their own car but also focuses on their skill improvement.
There are lot going on in the kid’s life with respect to their growth and development. So each toy that we buy for our kid should teach them something that makes them ready of future or more precisely the real life.
The motor skills and cognitive skills are focused and nurtured when we let our kids drive the look-alike electric cars. The child’s self-esteem is also boosted and thereby making him more confident. It also stimulates the driving sense of the kid.
With the wide variety of cars available, it’s very important to choose an electric car that suits us best. Suiting us best include considering safety of the vehicle is the most vital feature what every parent has to look for while buying the car. These electric cars ranges from BMW, Toyota, Audi, Lamborghini, Kawasaki and even customized frozen version of the electric cars are available.
The cost of these cars ranges from $200 till $1000 depending on the make and features. Some of the features to look for while buying an electric cars are safety, battery-life, size of the battery, cost, the roads it’s suitable for and warranty of the ar.
The size of the battery comes as 6V, 12V and 24V. Let us find the review of the cheap power wheels Kawasaki KFX car which provides all the features of an excellent car but moderately priced.
Power Wheels Kawasaki KFX review:
If your child is one of the kids who look for more adventure and seize every opportunity to look for fun, this Power Wheels Green Kawasaki KFX is the best bet.
This car gives the kid the thrill and the excitement of the riding an ATV, just like the way it does to adults while riding real life ATV. The make and built of this electric car comes as whole package featured with what we expect from an ATV. To begin with it has Kawasaki KFX Styling, the attractive chrome accents and even the wheel graphics.
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Best Feature of Power Wheels Green Kawasaki KFX:
- Design of Monster Traction: The miniature Kawasaki KFX is designed with the Monster Traction drive system that allows the car to drive on any type of the surface. Perfect for the rough terrain, Bumpy lawns, mud, wet grass and ruts. It just glides in these surfaces without any damage to the car. The ATV twist grip throttle allows the car to revs it on to high speed easily giving the thrilling experience.
- Flashy Chrome wheels
- Speed: This miniature ATV can be driven with two speeds 3 & 6 mph in forward direction and 3 mph in the reverse direction. It also comes with the locking out feature to lock out of higher speed for beginners that confines the young rider to smaller area exercising a controlled safer environment. So it’s completely parent controlled by making the beginner speed slow enough for the adult to catch-up on.
Power Lock Brake System: This breaking system allows the kid to have more control over the car by automatically stopping the car, when kid leaves the throttle.
- Battery: The 12V battery provides the superior performance ensuring the All-Terrain Vehicle to be rided on any kind of surfaces. The battery life also ensures that the car can run for around 2 hours. Speed of the car allows maximum of up-to 6mp.
- Built & Make: The design of this ride on is very sleek and shiny. The tires are wide and large for any kind of maximum traction. The construction is tough steel frame that ensures the safety and durability.
- Maximum Capacity: With the good battery size, the capacity of the car is also increased making the car to accommodate more weights of upto 65lbs or little less than 30kgs. Even slightly older kids can enjoy the fun making it suitable for ages 2 to 8yrs depending on the kids weight.
Negative Points:
This is one of the best rated power wheels among customers, so not much of the negative points except for the below mentioned minor points.
- Assembly might be little trickier, but easy enough
- This may not suit kids who weigh heavier than the limit, even though their age might fall within the allowed age limit.
Power Wheels Kawasaki KFX – Advantages over Competition:
- Cheap: One of the best advantages is the cost of this miniature ATV. It costs around $200 which is the lowest limit for an look-like car. But this is one of the best electric cars that comes with controllable speed, excellent built and a very stylish design. The Power wheels Kawasaki KFX price is incredibly low compared to the very rich features.
- Range of Surfaces: This All-Terrain Vehicle is suitable for wide range of surfaces from lawn to mud, smoothest to roughest surfaces. On the contrary, other electric cars might have quite limiting that is suited for just one kind of surfaces.
- Dual Speed: The power wheels car comes with 3 and 6mph speed. This is completely adjustable based on the comfort level of the kid. Younger kids might like to travel at 3mph just to be safer or until they get used to the idea of getting behind the wheels of new electric car. 6mph might be suited for older age kids as their fear factor might be slightly less.
- Speed: This electric car can be revved up to 6mph which is unusual for the low priced electric cars. The other electric cars have a lower speed limit. The size of the battery might also play a major role in determining the speed of these miniature cars.
The Power Wheels Green Kawasaki KFX manufactured by Fisher-Price is the best electric cars available. The rugged all-terrain vehicle makes it more attractive for its rough feature to withstand the rough handling of the kids. Just like the well-known brand for Kawasaki for motor vehicles, the miniature power wheels does justice to the name.
The serious power is one of the added advantages to the vehicle. With the most recent technology like monster traction makes it more desirable.
The embedded safety features like power lock brakes and parent controlled speed locks makes it safer. The extended battery life makes the car more durable and it perfectly fits the kids at the age range of 2 to 8 year old. For a rough and tough kids who would love to explore every opportunity of the toy car by running over whatever comes in the path, the power wheels green Kawasaki is the best fit.
This is good for the physical strength and hand-eye coordination. This also imbibes the confidence in kids to manage speed and direction of the electric car. With the less priced, this car is the perfect to have for the kids who love the thrill of the experience.
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